Alain Naoum will review up to 3 items for free.
If the item is of a type and value typically sold in our Gallery, we will contact you and provide an estimate of the value of the object, within 2-3 weeks.
Please have the following information available:
- Clear, color images of the front and back.
- Details such as dimensions and materials
- Any information about the history of the object including when, where and how it was acquired
- Electronic copies of any appraisals, literature related to the item, or certificates of authenticity, if available
- We regret that we do not provide asale information for items that are of a type or value that are typically not sold in Alain Naoum Gallery
- All estimates are provisional and subject to revision on examination by a specialist.
- Photographs and other materials sent to us by post will not be returned.
- Never send property to us for review.
- Please allow 2-3 weeks for a response.
Get started by completing the online request form.
If the item is of a type and value typically sold in our Gallery, we will contact you and provide an estimate of the value of the item at auction, within 2-3 weeks.
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